What Does 2015 & Beyond Mean For You & Your Cycles?

Written by:  Wa'ab Abunu Keberu, Master Cycles Analyst, Instructor & Author

As we begin the year 2015, we are faced with many speculations as to what will take place. Depending on the group or particular school of thought that you are in, it could be a massive awakening or a massive annihilation. Some even ascribe to a combination of the two. What we can all agree on is that it will be a year of change, whether that change is natural or self-induced, change is imminent. If we cooperate with change, we experience renewal; if we fight it, we experience turmoil. The fear of change is the absolute strongest fear. When you consider the fear of death, or the fear of losing anything, be it a loved one or money, it all goes back to being afraid of something changing.

Right now many of us have our cycles entangled and in chaos. We have media and advertisements telling us what we should like and news channels and peers telling us how we should think and feel. Doctors have successfully convinced us that just about every single thing we do will make us sick and lead to an early death; “…if you eat this you’ll get cancer”, “… if you don’t eat this you’ll get cancer”. They’ve even gone as far as to put out a report stating that some thing causes a sickness one year and then the next year report that that same thing, now all of a sudden, prevents the sickness. Consequently, the majority of us go through a psychological and emotional tug-of-war, and lose our true selves in the process, while in the meantime, the industry-interests continue to get wealthy.

You can no longer trust that your feelings are really YOUR feelings or that your thoughts are really YOUR thoughts. There is so much electro-magnetic traffic going on in and out of our heads that it has become increasingly challenging for many of us to know who we really are. A loss of sanity is on the rise and is expected to increase exponentially in the coming year. Thousands of people are going to be experiencing “breakdowns” due to countless conflicting internal messages. Do research on the number of recent mass murders where the assailants claimed that they were instructed to kill by the “voices” in their head. 

Refer to the following articles for confirmation of insanity on the rise (and they DON'T fit the typical profile!):

Rudy Eugene's 'face-eating' 'zombie' attack on Ronald Poppo lasted 18 minutes

Maryland man eats roommate's heart, brain, second zombie-like cannibal attack within a week!

Professor cuts off his wife’s lips and eats them

Even with all of the threats of incurable diseases, sex is still out of control. With all deaths and sicknesses caused by over-eating and lack of exercise, obesity is still out of control. The Willpower for many has collapsed causing their self-control to diminish day by day. Whether the events predicted are real or not, if there are people who think the events are real, then they are real, because they are going to play out the affects of chaos. Reflect back a few years ago when the world was told that there was a gas shortage. Whether real or not, with that news, panic ensued. Even when you had those who analyzed the production and distribution of crude oil adamantly exclaim that there was no shortage and that’s it was all an illusion, very few listened and no one cared. The fear was stronger than reason and the petroleum companies profited off of those fears.

In relationships, people will start growing apart, some even made to turn on each other. There have been countless accounts of people claiming that one day they woke up with the person they’d been with for years and had no idea who they’d become. What many are labeling as the “Universal Awakening”, should more accurately be calling it the “Universal Cleansing” where the filthy are being separated from the pristine. The problem lies within the majority of us because we’ve been taught to ignore our own cycles and, have consequently, adopted deep rooted qualities of both the filthy and the pristine. So as our personal dichotomy separates itself, what happens to us internally when we have a strong grip on both? Society has trained us that instead of letting go of dying habits that never truly resonated with us to begin with; we struggle afflictively to seek refuge in anything and everything that gives us the illusion that we don’t have to let go of those habits.

Because of the chronic stresses of life and the anxiety of change, our cycles are out of order and it’s to the point now that we can actually feel it. We are like luxury cars that never had a tune-up and are now destined to breakdown any day now if we don’t do something about it. It’s been said that one of the greatest sins is our failure to acknowledge the divine power within us. We are creators and the best way to counter destructive mental currents is with creative re-constructive mental currents. Come 2013 and beyond, the unaware will find themselves falling deeper and deeper into internal chaos (not external) which will manifest itself externally. You have to learn your “buttons” and then learn how to prevent them from being pushed by those seeking to control you and your reactions. Of course, when one thinks of a Universal Cleansing, they think that it should be something good and welcomed, well consider that Nature is extracting generations’ worth of poisonous thinking and repressed pathological behavior. What will cause the massive breakdown of sanity, however, will be the fact that the more ingrained, rooted and repressed the pathologies, the more violent and damaging Nature’s extractions will be. After religions break down and after philosophical gimmicks and the propensity to just go back to the “old ways” break down, it will be learning your cycles that will prepare you for change.

Our cycles inform us of our capacity and that we have personal seasons. There are those of us who consider ourselves weak but that’s only because we focus on the weak side of our cycles. If we change our focus from our Minimancy (weakest point) to our Maximancy (strongest point), we will see a significant shift in how our attitude affects the circumstances in our lives. Remember, you control your environment, not the other way around. The battle for your mind and your cycles will escalate but no one can give anyone that power but yourself. Start making your way towards the Supreme YOU and, with it, achieve the invaluable quality of fearlessness.

You can’t control the world but you can control yourself and how you respond to the world. LEARN YOUR CYCLES is offering the "New You" Plan which is simply a way to give everyone an opportunity to access the power of LEARN YOUR CYCLES’ 6 Cycle e-Course through 3 easy installments. Unlike other installment based systems and programs out there, the LEARN YOUR CYCLES New You Plan allows you to start re-creating you cycles right away and at your own pace. For the next three months make the conscious effort to begin investing in yourself!


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