What Is Your Maximancy & Minimancy?

By:  Wa'ab Abunu Keburu, Master Cycles Analyst, Instructor & Author

One component to the LEARN YOUR CYCLES system is identifying your Maximancy and your Minimancy for your six main cycles which are:  Mood Cycle, Awareness Cycle, Sex Cycle, Inner Cycle, Will Power Cycle and Fortune Cycle.  These are the terms for the highest and lowest points of your cycles and are considered to be the two extremes.  Take, for example, our seasonal cycles and the extremes of temperature; no matter where you are on the planet the temperature is typically warmer in the daylight hours and cooler at night, correct?  The summer in the northern hemisphere is the winter in the southern hemisphere and vice versa and during the season that we refer to as summer, the temperature is typically warmer than the temperature during the winter season.  Now, what would be identified as the Maximancy in this scenario, regarding temperature, would be the daytime (warmer) in the summer season (warmer) and the Minimancy would be the night time (cooler) in the winter season (cooler).  Assuming that there were no “out of season” climatic changes, a person new to experiencing our yearly seasonal temperatures could easily mistake spring daylight temperatures as the Maximancy and autumn night time temperatures as the Minimancy, and not realize that the extremes have yet to be reached. 

LEARN YOUR CYCLES teaches you how to identify your true Maximancy and your true Minimancy for each of your six cycles in order to properly synchronize yourself with them.  Too often we end up cutting ourselves short by thinking we’ve reach our personal peaks never realizing that the “hot summer day” of our potential is still in store for us.  This type of information was what I felt was missing from astrology readings, numerology readings as well as tarot card readings.

LEARN YOUR CYCLES also teaches you how to put the inferior out of focus and only focus on the superior in you and in your environment.  When I was a young child I would always attempt to hang out with pre-teens and other children much older than myself and much of our entertainment was watching movies.  Their favorite movies were horror movies which didn’t happened to be my genre of choice at that age however I couldn’t be caught covering my eyes or giving any reaction out of fear that would remind those guys that I was several years younger than they were.  I had to find ways to guard my subconscious from the impressions of very gruesome scenes while still “appearing” cool and mature, so I developed the ability to take undesirable scenes “out of focus”.  As soon as the famous “someone is about to die badly” music came on, I would still maintain my direction of view but without flinching, I could make the picture instantly become blurry and then return to focus once the horrifying scene had passed.

Most people do it unintentionally when daydreaming or when the optical functioning of their brain has become idle due to the deep concentration of another modality.  As I grew more proficient with this exercise, I noticed that, in general, I was able to see objects differently from others and sometimes objects that others couldn’t see at all.  This led me to see people differently and gave me the ability to almost see through them.  Every photographer knows that when you are out of focus in one place you can be in focus in another place so I gave up seeing point A to be able to see point B.  Therefore, if everyone around you is focused on point A, you will see a reality they can’t see if you can also focus on point B.   A similar exercise, called the Random Dot Autostereogram, was created in 1980 and made popular in the early 90’s.  This system of graphic generation allows the shift from a two dimensional image to a three dimensional image and back to two dimensional all with the shift in your eye’s focus and convergence.  So if one is able to shift perception from 2-D reality to a 3-D reality, it stands to reason that one may also be able to shift from a 3-D perception to a 4-D perception or higher.  This is one of the many concepts of LEARN YOUR CYCLES and the true discovery of hidden potentials.  

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