Mood Cycle
We all experience shifts in our mood at one time or another and we’ve all allowed our moods to affect our interaction with others. How many times have you said something in anger and later wished you could travel in a time machine and erase those words from existence? How often do you wish you could relive those moments when you and everyone around you knew that you were at your absolute best, where you were motivated and able to motivate and bring joy to everyone you came into contact with that day? Gaining the power over your moods is gaining the power over your emotions and it’s the emotions that move people. Our Mood Cycle e-Course shows you your mood changing patterns and offers guidance on how to use them to your benefit. There are certain activities that one should stay away from during Mood Cycle lows or minimancies such as making critical decisions, dealing with children or any encounters where your influence on the mood of others is high. Of all the cycles, the Mood Cycle is the cycle that is the most controllable and alterable. Learning the cycle of moods and emotions will help you make better and more sound decisions. You will also begin to take notice of the seemingly small things that throws your moods off balance and how to counteract them by raising yourself above your moods. Moods are simply vibrations, different moods just mean different vibrations. It is because of this fact that, unbeknownst to the general public, moods can be altered. Notice how moods are highly infectious. If there is enough sadness in a room, that mood of vibration can affect everyone in the room regardless of the mood they initially entered the room with. Have you ever cried only because there were many other people around you that were also crying? You may not even have known the cause of everyone’s sorrow but it became contagious. Your Mood Cycle not only involves the peaks and valleys of your own emotional vibrations but it also involves the times when you may be more susceptible to the outside influences of others. |