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Sex Cycle

The Sex Cycle is a combination of the frequency of heightened arousal, genetic rejuvenation and unlimited creativity. Learning your Sex Cycle will help give you insight into when your personal sexual energy peaks and when it valleys. This is the same energy that is directly connected to the power of supreme intelligence. Until the Sex Cycle is learnt, the sexual energy remains a fuel for the root seat or the lower instinctive mind that strictly serves for procreative purposes. This lower location is where the sexual energy of the average person resides unobserved and rapidly dissipating after every act of physical expression.

As one becomes more familiar with the nature of this Cycle and how to use it, it can easily be raised to fuel the intuitive mind. The intuitive mind is seated in your center or solar plexus area. It is also closely linked with your Awareness Cycle. The valuable combination of these two cycles will empower you to use that same sexual energy to unlock your intuitive self. This will in turn afford you access to knowledge about yourself and others that normally would be unavailable to you.

Sexual energy is creative energy, but can also be destructive energy when unmanaged. The lost knowledge of charting the human sex cycle has been a major contributor to the damage suffered by both our physical and spiritual bodies. This ignorance is also the cause of many of the personality and character defects that plague society today. The once sacred ritual of sex has been reduced to an emotion driven act with no regards for the bountiful rewards that come only to those who took the time to learn their own cycles.  The Sex Cycle, in particular, has dual purposes: The purpose of optimal reproduction times for both males and females and the purpose of rising and utilizing latent sexual energy.

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