Cycles are a natural part of life and are powerful factors in determining our destiny potential. If you have ever asked yourself why something is or isn’t happening in your life, it is simply because there is a cycle that is being ignored. Cycles work in pairs of strong and weak, negative and positive, masculine and feminine, etc. Any given cycle has two extreme polarities but may also have many sub-polarities. Take our seasonal cycles for instance; you have the two extremes marked by the winter and summer solstices. A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice a year when the Sun’s apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost and southernmost extremes, however, in between these extremes are the spring and autumn equinoxes (equinox meaning in Latin aequus = equal and nox = night). You have these same type of cycles moving within you every single day. Now imagine that you want to plant crops to feed yourself and your family but without an understanding of your own cycles, no matter how many seeds you put in the ground and no matter how much watering you do, if it’s done in the wrong season or cycle it won’t produce the expected results.
How often have you tried to do something and no matter how hard you tried, it did not produce the way you were hoping or meet your expectations? Or, how often have you had things just miraculously go your way and you found yourself asking, “Can I have this great fortune happen in other areas of my life?” Well you can. Once you learn your personal cycles your whole life will change.
How will learning my cycles benefit me?
Once you’ve learned your various cycles and how to have them work for you, you will gain a stronger sense of harmony with yourself and with all others around you. You will eventually know when it is the right time for most everything. Learning Your Cycles will bring you more in tune with Nature. Imagine if you had a small “window” of opportunity that passes through your life at certain times a month and that within that small “window” what you think to happen, happens along with desires, wishes, wants, etc.
The unaware make futile hit-and-miss attempts at personal progress because they are ignorant to the cycles of these “windows”. If you only knew when a “window” was passing by, life could be so much more productive for you. You will know why you feel certain ways at certain times thus bringing you closer to being able to shift and manipulate those emotions instead of being manipulated by outside forces...
So How Are You Being Manipulated?
The United States, with $6.7 billion in annual revenues, has the highest single country revenue in survey and marketing research all to know when your moods change, when your health changes, how to get you into bad habits and KEEP you there by reinforcing those habits at the precise point of your cycle minimancy (the weakest point where you are least able to break a habit). Global Survey Research Industry estimates at $18.9 billion: * USA - $6.7 billion
* EUROPE - $8.3 billion * EUROPEAN UNION (EU-15) - $7.6 billion
* NORTH AMERICA - $7.4 billion
* ASIA/PACIFIC - $2.6 billion * CENTRAL / SOUTH AMERICA - $.4 billion * MIDDLE EAST / AFRICA - $.2 billion Look at how much money they are willing to invest in you in order to manipulate your Cycles... |
You also will learn that you have a closer connection to the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars than you ever imagined. You will learn how to make their power your power.
What is Nun Cyclosis?
Nun Cyclosis is a revolutionary method for learning your cycles and taking back control of the events in your life. It is the analysis of human behavioral, circadian, psychological and spiritual cycles and their relationship with nature cycles. This practice was employed during the earliest civilizations of man in the charting of one's present and future potential which was the foundation to the ancient form of egyptian astrology and african spirituality, all existing prior to astrology, numerology, astro-numerology, tarot and runes as practiced today.
How is this different from Astrology or Numerology?
Both Astrology and Numerology are based on cycles, and our trainers are skilled in Astrology, Numerology and even Solar Biology, but we contend that in recent decades they have become so commercialized that both Astrology and Numerology had to be broadened to such a general level that most of the readings could be applied to just about anyone. For instance, general Astrology does not take into account the location on the planet that you were born, nor does Astrology as it’s practiced today factor in the date of birth and location of your mother and father as well as their mother and father (both sets of grandparents). On top of that, with the recent announcement of a 13th Zodiac, the creditibility of Astrology has been put into question. Numerology is not sufficient because it doesn’t factor in percentages. As human beings we’ve been extensively homogenized.
We are no longer “this” or “that”, we’ve become unique blends of energies, personalities and genetics that make up who we are. The aforementioned methods as they are practiced today can only work accurately when we are in our most pellucid state. LEARNING YOUR CYCLES goes straight to the subject at hand... YOU! How you are right now, just as you are. We also offer you a do-it-yourself approach that empowers you with the ability to read, analyze and re-create your own cycles so that you’ll never have to rely on readings again.
What are my 6 cycles?
Your 6 Cycles are the Will Power Cycle, Mood Cycle, Inner Cycle, Awareness Cycle,
Sex Cycle & Fortune Cycle.
Click on each image below for details about that Cycle
When I register for the "e-Course On Demand" will I be part of a group?
No. While others will be taking the e-Course at the same time as you, the e-Course caters to each individual and their schedule which is why we call it "e-Course On Demand". It is a self-paced course taken from the comfort of your home. It provides cycle specific e-Classes which include Question & Answer, exercises, self-evaluation, etc. One-on-One interaction with the Instructor is available via Private Chat or Phone to assist in guiding you to understanding and documenting your own cycles.
What comes with the "e-Course On Demand" and what is the investment?
The LEARN YOUR CYCLES "e-Course On Demand" e-Courses are as follows:
Platinum e-Course (6 Cycles) - $549.97 * Initial Consultation with Master Cycles Analyst (via phone) * Cycle Specific e-Classes (pre-recorded for your convenience) * e-Material which includes self-paced exercises * Q & A Sessions with Instructor * Access to Master Cycles Analyst (for duration of e-Course) * Reverse Solar Charting * Option for an Online Cycles Journal * Complimentary Private Cycle Viewing (for 1 Cycle) * Certificate of Completion * Post-Course Support (for 3 months) Gold e-Course (3 Cycles) - $279.97
* Initial Consultation with Master Cycles Analyst (via phone) * Cycle Specific e-Classes (pre-recorded for your convenience) * e-Material which includes self-paced exercises * Q & A Sessions with Instructor * Post-Course Support (for 1 month) Bronze e-Course (1 Cycle) - $109.97
* Initial Consultation with Master Cycles Analyst (via phone) * Cycle Specific e-Classes (pre-recorded for your convenience) * e-Material which includes self-paced exercises * Q & A Sessions with Instructor * Post-Course Support (for 1 month) *** Prices subject to change without notice *** *** Platinum e-Course includes complimentary Private Cycle Viewing for 1 Cycle only *** *** Gold & Bronze e-Courses do not include Private Cycle Viewings *** |
What is Reverse Solar Charting?
Our Reverse Solar Charting system is where we identify your personal solstice for the various cycles you select and compare them with the activities taking place on the Sun. We will then make an analysis of any patterns that appear. At the end of the course we will provide you with photo shots of a 1hour time lapse video of what was taking place on the surface of the Sun at the time of your “peaks”.
If I'm registered for the e-Course should I still invest in a Private Cycle Viewing? What is the difference?
The "e-Course On Demand" and the Private Cycle Viewings are two very different yet critical components of the LEARN YOUR CYCLES system. The Viewings provide a candid look into what is taking place with your Cycles as they are currently "cycling" right now with the estimated maximancies and minimancies. It also provides you with an accurate gauge or a starting point to measure your progress during and after the completion of the Platinum "e-Course On Demand" because you now have the experience of one or more Viewings.
With the help of the "e-Course On Demand", the overall objective is for you to eventually be able to analyze your Cycles on your own, identify your minimancies and maximancies and re-create your Cycles, all of which takes you on the path to discovering the Supreme You. This ancient system is the first of it's kind and we are confident that you will realize the unlimited potential of both the LEARN YOUR CYCLES "e-Course On Demand" and Private Cycle Viewings
NOTE: Private Cycle Viewings are not included with the e-Courses with the exception of the Platinum e-Course which includes a complimentary Private Cycle Viewing for 1 Cycle only (not all 6 Cycles).
When does the "e-Course On Demand" begin?
The e-Course was originally scheduled to take place every 3 months but we listened to your requests and have now made the e-Course "available on demand"! You NO LONGER have to wait for the next scheduled e-Course. The e-Course is designed to fit your schedule which means you can register and take the e-Course from the comfort of your home AT ANY TIME!
Each registrant will receive their own e-Course schedule based on the Cycles that they registered for that will inform them of the date that each pre-recorded e-Class will be made available for them to review/attend. The schedule is designed to keep the e-Student focused and on track.
I'd like to attend the e-Course, what do I do next?
Congratulations on making the decision to move closer to unlocking your TRUE self with the knowledge of YOUR cycles! To order the 6 Cycle, 3 Cycle or 1 Cycle "e-Course On Demand" Package, simply select one of the packages at the bottom of this page and complete the order via PayPal (they accept credit cards). If additional payment options are needed, notify us at
You will be asked to complete a Questionnaire prior to the start of the e-Course. This will aid both you and the e-Course Instructor/Master Cycles Analyst during the initial one-on-one consult and the e-Course.
Your e-Course Orientation Package will be delivered to you via email a few days prior to the start of the e-Course along with your personal e-Class schedule.
NOTE: Good news! For those who wish to experience the Private Cycle Viewing first, for a limited time a portion of the cost of the Viewing will be deducted from the price of the 6 Cycle or 3 Cycle e-Course. Click here for more details.
Once you have registered for the LEARN YOUR CYCLES "e-Course On Demand", you will receive confirmation of your order via email. “Next Steps” are also provided via our website immediately upon order completion.
Feel free to email us at if you have any questions or need assistance.
I have friends that I would like to tell about the Learn Your Cycles "e-Course On Demand". Will I get a referral fee if they take the e-Course?
Yes, we offer a Referral fee as our way of saying thank you for sharing this wonderful experience with others. For more information, send an email to and we will forward the details.